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Class Schedule

Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday
Livestream Fitness Class
09:00am - 09:55am
Livestream Zumba Class
10:30am - 11:30am


The Zumba workout is a cardio fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance and performed primarily to Latin American dance music. Dance to great music, with great people, and burn a ton of calories without even realizing it. The perfect combo of fun and fitness has made Zumba classes a world-wide phenomenon.The class that started the dance-fitness revolution and changed the way we look at a “workout."

Strength Training

This class is offered to people of all fitness levels. The class provides instruction on a variety of strength & endurance type exercises, including weight training, resistance training, stretching, and body weight exercises. It is an excellent choice for those interested in weight loss, or being in the best shape they can possibly achieve.

Zumba Master Classes

Once a month we celebrate life, students, friendship, fun, and fitness in a class full of energy! We have special guests, world renowned instructors, DJ's and other surprises in this 75 minute class!

21 day fitness challenge

“21 Days to Fitness” aims to provide a jumpstart that generates an improved sense of health, induce motivation, teach structure, discipline and better eating and workout habits that might be lacking in our lives. Also, it seeks to help us get back on the healthy track or even get us on the right track for the first time! 

Workout w/ Claudine Online

These new online classes feature digital content for participants to do workouts guided by Claudine Nannini, where ever they might be! This new online course includes all of the workouts, warm-ups, exercises with weights, cool-downs, and stretching as in the live classes.

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