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Balance21 08/21/23

Balance21 08/21/23


This is a digital product containing the Balance21 Nutrition Workshop. It provides you with all of the information & tools necessary to manage your weight in a healthy and sustainable manner.


You must have a personal Facebook Account to participate and be willing to exercise at least 30 minutes a day 6 times per week or 180 minutes per week.


We interact daily on our Facebook Group for 28 consecutive days. Therefore, for accountability reasons, you should check in with the group every single day.


After purchasing the program, you will receive a confirmation email containing all the steps you must take to be successful with this system. Upon receiving your confirmation email, please follow all instructions.


The primary goal of the program is to provide education on healthy weight loss & weight management, promote daily physical activity, and develop health awareness through conscious food choices that are balanced and sustainable over time.


“Balance 21” provides a jumpstart to a better overall physical and emotional sense of well-being by creating a healthy relationship with food and exercise.


Its aim is to educate, induce motivation, show the value of planning our days in advance, and the importance of staying consistently good and not occasionally perfect through any process of transformation in order to achieve desired results. The plan offers a simple way to get back on the healthy track or even get us on the right track for the first time through educated choices.


The secret to healthy and sustainable weight loss is to understand the right portion sizes within the food groups. Depending on each individual’s current weight and weight loss goals, the plan will address what and how much to eat without feeling hungry or deprived. 


Written digital material and information are provided with a link to purchase the color-coded food containers to teach you about nutrient-dense foods and correct macro portions.


You must download an App I strongly recommend to make your life easier and to track all your food intake day by day.


Again, participation in a Facebook Group is mandatory in order to receive daily communications. Also, accountability during the 21 days also occurs by posting and interacting daily within the group.


The Balance21 program includes:


  • Digital Book with Eating Plan and Instructions

  • Link to purchase the plan’s containers to measure food intake

  • Downloadable App to track your food intake and progress

  • Printable booklet to track your progress and learn

  • Direct daily communication for questions with me and participation with your team members in a Facebook Group

  • Balance 21 nutritious recipes and meal ideas

  • Recommendations on health & self-care products I've used for years and have worked for me

  • BONUS: 7 additional days of coaching and information so that you can sustain your success!

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